
Converting an existing building from office space to residential living

  • Project: Original Building of 10 storeys plus a new penthouse
  • Location: Birmingham
  • Main contractor: Mac Group
  • Product specification:
    British Gypsum specification
    – Twin walls with resi bar
    – 70mm stud with two layers soundblock
    – M/F ceilings
  • Contract value: Drywall contract value £2m
  • Programme duration: 40 weeks

offsite Drywall Pro-Cut Products Used

NameQuantityMan Hours Saved on SiteMan Days Saved on Site
Boards cut to size (to height)8680 No (equating to 28423m2)864108
Studs cut to size (height)6340 No17622
Deflection Heads3328 l/m20826
Door Sets280 No243
Builders Work Openings750 No46458
Total Time Saved on Site by Using Off Site Products1736 Hours217 Days

The Job

We were proud to support Mac Group with their project Equipoint, based in Yardley, Birmingham.

The project involved converting a 10-storey office space to a residential building of 247 apartments over a period of 40-weeks.

The Results

Partnering with Drywall Pro-Cut  saved Mac Group 217 onsite man-days, helping them to significantly reduce labour by cutting man-hours by 1736 hours. We also helped to reduce waste on site given the high volume of work conducted offsite, and subsequently saved on onsite skip usage.

What We Did

To kick off the project we visited the site and conducted a full survey of the building. This involved checking the existing floor and soffit levels to determine if they were suitable for our components. Upon examining the building, we were able to establish that installation was possible. We then took all of the appropriate measurements and sent them to our team at the cutting station so they could prepare the boards, studs, deflection heads and builder’s work holes.

When it came to timescales, Drywall Pro-Cut was able to manufacture the next three floor levels worth of partitions well in advance. We attended the site, took care of all the measurements, and then got to work with production.

We sent all of the components to site carefully labelled to ensure they were delivered to the correct area complete with marked-up drawings, so the installation team knew exactly where each piece needed to go and could begin the fitting process.

To find out more email enquiries@drywallpro-cut.co.uk